Número 24 - 2003

Some Remarks Regarding the Form of Intuition in Henri Bergson’s Philosophy

José Ezcurdia
(Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET)

Published 2013-11-28


  • Henri Bergson,
  • form,
  • intuition,
  • Natura naturante,
  • Natura naturata,
  • divine
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ezcurdia, J. (2013). Some Remarks Regarding the Form of Intuition in Henri Bergson’s Philosophy. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 24(1), 31-70. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v24i1.277


This article deals with some of the most important notions that constitute the form of intuition in Henri Bergson's philosophy, in order to proceed to its reconstruction in such a way that makes clear its determination under the form of love as charity, and its expression in the life-man binomial as an origin of the Divine. Identity amongst the notions of Natura naturante and Natura naturata on the one side, and of procession and conversion on the other, is proposed as the core that determines the fundamental structure of the aforementioned binomial.



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  5. Gilson, B. (1992). La individualidad en la filosofía de Bergson. Paris: Vrin.
  6. Gouhier, H. (1999). El Cristo de los Evangelios. Paris: Vrin.
  7. Levesque, G. (1975). Bergson. Vida y muerte del hombre y de Dios. Barcelona: Herder.
  8. Philolenko, A. (1994). Bergson. Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
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