Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- Pierluigi Donini,
- tragedy,
- catharsis,
- intellectualism
- cognitivism,
- music,
- drama,
- aesthetics ...More
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The nature of tragedy is a matter of controversy. The intellectualist vision of tragedy has gained ground in past years. In this paper I intend to discuss the heterodox and extreme version of cognitivism, recently defended by Pierluigi Donini in La tragedia, senza la catarsi, which firmly rules out the emotional or cathartic function of tragic drama and asserts that “the function of tragedy is not catharsis, but its crowning or last stage: understanding.” The revision of the arguments stated by Donini will allow enlightening some obscure points of the Aristotelian theory of tragedy, particularly the place of music and entertainment in tragic drama.
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