Published 2013-11-28
- Anaximenes,
- theory of change,
- movement,
- Presocratic,
- philosophy of nature
How to Cite
For a long time it has been argued that, amongst the first Presocratics, Anaximenes is the one who possessed the most detailed theory of change. Indeed, his theory of change was one of his fundamental contributions to the history of philosophy. Thirty years ago this opinion was questioned and the argument was recently repeated in a revised edition on Anaximenes. So far, I have no notice that such question has yet been answered. In the present essay I want to argue that, although there is something erroneous in the traditional interpretation of Anaximenes theory of change, it is not what the objectors say it is: truly, Anaximenes possesses an important theory of change, of which we have significant Antique evidence.
- Barnes, J. (1982). The Presocratic Philosophers. Revised Edition. London: Routledge.
- Classen, J. C. (1977). Anaximander and Anaximenes: The Earliest Greek Theories of Change? En Phronesis, 22: 89-102.
- Cornford, F. M. (1937). Plato’s Cosmology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- Holscher, U. (1953). Anaximander und die Anfange der Philosophie. En Hermes 81: 257-77; 358-418.
- Klowski, J. (1972). Ist der Aer des Anaximenes als eine Substanz konzipiert? Hermes, 100: 131-142.
- Taylor, A. E. (1928). A Commentary of Plato's Timaeus. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Vlastos, G. (1975). Plato's Universe. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
- Wohrle, G. (1993). Anaximenes aus Milet; die Fragmente zu seiner Lehre. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.