The Latin Editions of Aristotle’s Works in the Middle Ages, in Relation to Thomas Aquinas’ Commentaries
Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- Thomas Aquinas,
- complete works,
- commentaries,
- edition
- Middle Age ...More
How to Cite
Jiménez, O. (2013). The Latin Editions of Aristotle’s Works in the Middle Ages, in Relation to Thomas Aquinas’ Commentaries. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 26(1), 9-42.
The author shows briefly: a) recognized critical editions of Aristotle's complete works; b) the twelve Commentaries of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the translations upon which he based his commentaries; c) the problems of tracing the translation of Book XI (Kappa) of Aristotle's Metaphysics, and some consequences in relation to Aquinas’ corresponding commentary; d) some pseudo-Aristotelian works that were mentioned by Thomas Aquinas, but not commented by him, in the commentary on De Sensu et Sensato.
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