ignum scientis est quod possit docere: The Teaching of Science according to Thomas Aquinas
Published 2023-12-07
- science,
- certainty,
- demonstration,
- teaching,
- learning
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Against St. Augustine’s position, Thomas Aquinas claims that man can teach his own science to someone else. His theory on the teaching of science is developed in Summa Theologica, I, q. 117, a. 1 and in Quaestiones disputatae de veritate, q. 11, a. 1. This paper aims to explain, considering this doctrine, why Aquinas admits the Aristotelian thesis of Metaphysics, I, according to which the distinctive mark of science is that it can be taught. I argue that, according to Thomas, science can be taught, in the one hand, because of its derivative nature and, on the other because it is grounded on certain principles that are both true and evident.
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