Número 28 - 2005

Phantasia em Platão

Published 2013-11-28


  • Plato,
  • phantasia,
  • image,
  • images,
  • apparition,
  • apparitions,
  • Republic,
  • Theaetetus,
  • Sophist,
  • Timaeus.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Marques, M. (2013). Phantasia em Platão. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 28(1), 57-82. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v28i1.225


This paper deals with the meaning of phantasia in Plato's dialogues, taking into account the dialectical contexts in which different representations and opinions are examined and submitted to refutation: the gods' apparitions as pictured by the poets are not a good basis for the citizens' paideia (Republic), nor are the apparitions in perception solid knowledge (Theaetetus); the verbal images produced by the sophists are unsound (Sophist) and should, like the images projected on the liver (Timaeus), be the object of critical analysis and interpretation. Nevertheless, it is argued that, in the dialogues as a whole, phantasia is not, a priori, false.


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