Número 29 - 2005

Veritas filia temporis in Averroes

Published 2013-11-28


  • Averroes,
  • tradition,
  • truth,
  • progress,
  • experience,
  • knowledge,
  • predecessors.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Guerrero, R. R. (2013). Veritas filia temporis in Averroes. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 29(1), 13-28. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v29i1.210


Averroes, strongly influenced by Aristotle, affirmed the necessity of experience to increase all knowledge. Truth, thing's last nature, is obtained as time goes on and is only reached by accepting the predecessor’s participation. Progress implies tradition and betterment: the former by impelling the development of both culture and intellect, and the latter as a result of a critical screening of diverse opinions, since it facilitates the knowledge of truth and the recognition of error. This scientific progress is reached as a consequence of effort and collaboration, Averroes sustained these ideas in his Commentary to Metaphysics II, 1, distinguishing four parts: a) man's natural desire of truth and intellect's difficulty to reach the most intelligible things; b) the predecessors' contribution, by their commentaries and clarifications, and the historical-progressive characteristic of human reason; c) philosophy, science of truth, as an investigation of complete reality; and, d) truth as knowledge of the causes, that is to say, the consideration of things as a proof of their Author. Averroes also stated that both the Law, through Revelation, and philosophy, through reason, share the same objective, hence making it being compulsory to look back to the previous contributions. 

Averroes, stronglyoutly influenced by Aristotle,, affirmed the necessity of experience to increase all knowledge. Truth, thing's last nature, is obtained as time goes onelapses and is only reached by accepting the predecessors'spredecessor’s participation.  Progress implies tradition and betterment: the former by impelling the development of both culture and intellect, and the latter as a result of a critical screening of diverse opinions, since it facilitates the knowledge of truth and the recognition of error. This scientific progress is reached as a consequence of effort and collaboration, Averroes sustained these ideas in his Commentary to Metaphysics II, 1, distinguishing four parts: a) mMan's natural desire of truth and intellect's difficulty for reachingto reach the most intelligible things; b) The the predecessors's contribution, by their commentaries and clarifications, and the historical-progressive characteristic of human reason; c) pPhilosophy, science of truth, as an investigation of complete reality; and,d) tTruth as knowledge of causethe causes, that is to say, the consideration of things as a prove proof of their Author. Averroes also stated that both the Law, through Revelation, and philosophy, through reason, have share the same objective, therefore hence making it it being compulsory to look backrecur to the previous contributions.


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