Número 29 - 2005

Presentación - Imaginación, sensación y pensamiento en los comentadores árabes y latinos de Aristóteles - (siglos X-XIII)

Published 2013-11-28


  • Arab philosophy,
  • islamic philosophy,
  • arabs,
  • latins,
  • commentators,
  • Aristotle,
  • imagination,
  • sensation,
  • thought.
  • ...More

How to Cite

López-Farjeat, L. X. (2013). Presentación - Imaginación, sensación y pensamiento en los comentadores árabes y latinos de Aristóteles - (siglos X-XIII). Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 29(1), 9-12. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v29i1.209


The present number of Tópicos is devoted to the cultural and philosophical exchange between arabs and latins. The articles here collected pretend to introduce the reader to the arab-islamic philosophy from which not only stand out the translations and comments on Aristotle but also a philosophy truly of their own. Some of the articles here offered treat on what the arabs-islamics understood by philosophy; other articles treat on the psychology of Averroes, Avempache, and Al Farabi, amongst others, which is strongly influenced by the critical study of the De Anima.