Número 30 Bis

Aristóteles contra Parménides: El problema del cambio y la posibilidad de una ciencia física

Marcelo D. Boeri
Universidad de Salamanca, España

Published 2013-11-28


  • Aristotle,
  • Parmenides,
  • Physics,
  • change.

How to Cite

Boeri, M. D. (2013). Aristóteles contra Parménides: El problema del cambio y la posibilidad de una ciencia física. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 45-68. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i0.203


This essay aims at presenting a reading of Aristotle’s criticisms of Parmenides at Physics. The author suggests that some important issues that Aristotle takes into account when determining the basic principles of the science of nature arise from those criticisms. Boeri argues that, in spite of the strong disagreement declared by Aristotle at Physics I 2-3 with regard to the Eleatic positions in general and to Parmenides’ position in particular, Aristotle takes advantage of his discussion with Parmenides in a constructive manner in favor of his own theory of change and, in general terms, of the indispensable conditions for the constitution of a science of nature. According to the author, one of the central points of Aristotle’s disagreement with Parmenides (the theory of being) is at once one of the most fertile issues from the standpoint of Aristotle’s use of such disagreement in order to establish the foundations of his physics.


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