Número 30 - 2006

La imaginación: ¿Ornamento o creación de mundos?

Carlos Pereda
Universidad de Salamanca, España

Published 2013-11-28


  • Imagination,
  • fantasy,
  • truth,
  • reality,
  • St. Augustine.

How to Cite

Pereda, C. (2013). La imaginación: ¿Ornamento o creación de mundos?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 30(1), 123-143. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v30i1.196


The word “imagination” alludes to different practices. This paper tries to answer two questions. In the first place, it tries to offer, descriptively, a general characterization listing various candidates for common properties of the different types of imagination: imaginating intervention, development of an imaginary scenario that is built from partial blockings of the truth dimension. In second place, a normative difference is drawn between fantasy and imagination using the metaphor of “walls versus bridges”: fantasy lifts “walls” against reality and, thus, mental movements become centripetal, while imagination builds “bridges” with centrifugal movements.


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  3. Walton, K. L. (1999). Mimesis as Make-Believe. On the Foundations of the Representational Arts. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press.