Número 30 - 2006

El ser coincidental en la ética de Aristóteles

Alejandro Llano
Universidad de Salamanca, España

Published 2013-11-28


  • Ethics,
  • chance,
  • casuality,
  • coincidental being,
  • moral fault,
  • virtue,
  • happiness,
  • Aristotle.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Llano, A. (2013). El ser coincidental en la ética de Aristóteles. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 30(1), 55-80. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v30i1.194


Aristotle’s ethics combines the consideration of need (from the moral law and interned by virtues) with coincidences and accidents of chance. Fortune and misfortune are key elements to the deploy of human condition, as may be appreciated in Greek tragedy. So, the plurality of human senses is translated to the philosophic scope. The coincidental being is the most relevant sense for ethics, because man is not everything he can be. This states the main issue as of, if accomplishing happiness depends on us or if it is conditioned by chance and fortune. Aristotle sustains that it is absolutely necessary to keep in mind the presence of chance factors as well. The contribution of Poetics is very relevant to the matter.


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