Número 31 - 2006

Repensar la vida moral

Rodrigo Guerra López
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Italia

Published 2013-11-28


  • Normative anthropology,
  • duty,
  • natural law,
  • metaethics,
  • personalism.

How to Cite

López, R. G. (2013). Repensar la vida moral. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 31(1), 83-102. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v31i1.185


Metaethics in the philosophy of Karol Wojtyla has received little attention from scholars interested in this polish author. The essays in which he enters in this field correspond to his last period of philosophical production (1969-1978). In the present investigation is analysed how Karol Wojtyla looks for the foundation of Ethics as strict science, it is exposed the way he makes a critical assimilation of some insights from kantian ethics, and it is showed the path he was following towards the constitution of Ethics as Normative Anthropology.


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  5. Wojtyla, K. (1991). Czlowiek w polu odpowiedzialnosci. Studium na temat koncepcij i metodologii etyki. Roma y Lublín: KUL.
  6. ____ (1969). Problem doswiadczenia w etyce. En Roczniki Filozoficzne, 17 (2): 5-24.
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  8. ____ (1993b). The Problem of the Theory of Morality. En Person and Community. Selected Essays. T. Sandok (trans.) (161-191). Nueva York: Peter Lang.
  9. ____ (1996). Amor y responsabilidad. D. Szmidt y J. González (trads.) Barcelona: Plaza.
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