Published 2013-11-28
- Personalism,
- praxis,
- marxism,
- aristotelism,
- thomism.
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This article analyses the position of personalism regarding the concept of praxis. After distinguishing the theory of action from the philosophy of praxis the article indicates thet wokey principles of the last one according to Wojtyla: the metaphysical and the praxeological. Later on the article analyses the aristotelic-thomistic view pointing out that Personalism proposes a replacement of the tripartite theory of action —praxis, poiesis and contemplation— for a open categorization of action which must includes always the objective and subjective dimension. In this point Marxism coincides with Personalism, but from another point of view both are radically opposed because by his reductive anthropology Marxims opposes the metaphysical and praxeological principles. Lastly the article analyses Personalism understood as praxis oriented to praxis.
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