Número 34 - 2008

Instrumenta sciendi

Walter Redmond
Universidad Panamericana

Published 2013-11-28


  • Philosophy of science,
  • high level predications,
  • second intentions,
  • Mexican philosophy,
  • Logica mexicana.

How to Cite

Redmond, W. (2013). Instrumenta sciendi. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 34(1), 105-139. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v34i1.150


In his Logica mexicana , Antonio Rubio, S.J., developed a theory of science using the notion of instrument to analyize how logic is related to the sciences. Aristotle’s logical works were called the “instrument” ( organon ) of philosophy, and for Rubio, logic provides the “instruments of knowing” ( instrumenta sciendi ) for the sciences (and for itself). This expression goes back to Aristotle’s “method of knowing”, which must be acquired before the science itself. Rubio interpreted these instruments as the technique of defining and classifying the items of scientific study, forming statements about them, and organizing these statements into a system. He also gave an explanation of the ontological nature of the instruments. I shall describe Rubio’s partially original scientific hermeneutic from the viewpoint of current philosophy and logic.



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