Subjetividad sin subjetivismo: ¿La antropología filosófica de Karol Wojtyla sin la metafísica de Tomás de Aquino?
Published 2013-11-28
- Wojtyla’s philosophy,
- subjectivism,
- person,
- love,
- experience.
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This article analyzes the philosophical thought of Karol Wojtyla and his idea of subjectivity. It is focused on underlying and clarifying a mistaken interpretation of this issue and its consequences upon some relevant aspects. Some phenomenologists have considered the main idea of Wojtylas’ subjectivity uniquely under the lens of Max Scheler and Immanuel Kant, completely ignoring Thomas Aquinas’ vision. This confusion has provoked an idea —far from the classical subjectum— that brings out most of the modern interpretation of person, feelings, intention, and love, elements that are, in this context, the ideological columns of modern subjectivism.
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