Published 2013-11-28
- Deliberation,
- normativity,
- practical reasoning,
- theoretical reasoning,
- reasons.
How to Cite
Seel, M. (2013). The ability to deliberate. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 36(1), 123-141.
The paper argues that only in the sphere of deliberation does intentionality exist in the demanding sense of a kind of foresight and planning, memory and imagination that steps out into space and time. Furthermore, only in the sphere of deliberation can something like normativity exist, be it in a logical, moral or legal sense. For only those who can deliberate can have any reasons to believe what they believe and desire what they desire. Following these directions, a analysis of the determinations and indeterminations within the process of deliberation leads to a revised compatibilist understanding of human freedom.
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