Número 36 - 2009

Tomás de Aquino como antecedente medieval de la tolerancia moderna

Published 2013-11-28


  • Tolerance,
  • Thomism,
  • Medieval Philosophy,
  • Aquinas.

How to Cite

Maqueo, E. T. (2013). Tomás de Aquino como antecedente medieval de la tolerancia moderna. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 36(1), 39-65. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v36i1.126


The author examines briefly some texts belonging to the thomistic corpus, in which is shown that tolerance is not a proper value of modernity, but it was practiced and explained by Thomas Aquinas who lived in a rich multicultural period of history as the medieval age was, where he defended convincingly his own beliefs with respect and toleration in the presence of all kind of thinkers (muslims and jewish thinkers, heretics, unbelievers, etc.) with whom he didn’t agree entirely. After concluding that prostitution is inmoral but not illegal according to Aquinas, such any tolerant philosopher would do it, the author determines the nature and limits of this ethic virtue, giving good reasons to be cultivated it by anyone.


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