No. 61 (2021): July-December

An Approach to the Etho-Aesthetic Dimension in Marcuse. Between Furor and Serenity

Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Published 2021-06-23


  • political philosophy,
  • ethics,
  • aesthetics,
  • Marcuse,
  • critical theory

How to Cite

Viveros Chavarría, E. F. (2021). An Approach to the Etho-Aesthetic Dimension in Marcuse. Between Furor and Serenity. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 61, 171-193.


The aim of this paper is to provide an approach to the etho-aesthetic dimension in Marcuse’s thought. The approach in this paper is built upon the following thesis: the etho-aesthetic dimension consists of the transformation of subjectivity based on artistic sensitivity and critical rationality from which social relations opposed to an advanced industrial society and its one-dimensional man are reconstructed materially and intellectually. The conclusion is the following: a Marcusian critical theory, inherited from Marx and Schiller, would be one capable of analyzing the potential qualitative changes of the subjects and social institutions to generate a higher level of rational development, equitable in the distribution of resources and in the generation of greater spaces of freedom. Its basis would be an etho-aesthetic attitude that does not take pleasure in squandering, but in the reflective experience of the sensible.


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