Número 37 - 2009

La muerte, corrupción sustancial de la persona humana

J. Martínez Zepeda
Universidad de Murcia

Published 2013-11-28


  • Saint Thomas Aquinas,
  • metaphysics,
  • person,
  • corruption,
  • substance.

How to Cite

Zepeda, J. M. (2013). La muerte, corrupción sustancial de la persona humana. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 37(1), 47-75. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v37i1.116


The understanding of the death of man in Saint Thomas Aquinas is necessarily contained in the preliminary study of the concept of the human person and of questions related to their nature. The essence of man basically lies in his substantial unity made up by the soul as the substantial form of the matter. This is why death is considered as the separation of its natural unity, a substantial corruption. The reflection and the analysis of the soul’s nature and its relationship with matter allows us to answer one of the most controversial issues about man: is there a human person after death?


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