No. 60 (2021): January - June

Time and Freedom. On Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Concept of End in Itself

Alberto López López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Published 2020-10-27


  • Dasein,
  • being,
  • possibility,
  • world,
  • selfhood,
  • temporality,
  • freedom,
  • decision
  • ...More

How to Cite

López López, A. (2020). Time and Freedom. On Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Concept of End in Itself. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 60, 293-326.


The general aim of the following paper is to show how somefundamental structures that SuZ describes are a reformulation of concepts which can be found in Kant’s practical philosophy. In order to fulfill this aim, Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant´s concept of end in itself is taken as a guiding thread, and I present the sense in which Heidegger appropriates this concept in his theory. Lastly, in the conclusions it is presented how structural features of Dasein’s being could be read according to Kant’s practical philosophy in relation to Heidegger’s appropriation of the previously mentioned Kantian concept.


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