No. 60 (2021): January - June

Reimagining a Community on the Basis of Vulnerability. Reflections From Judith Butler

Adriana María Ruiz

Published 2020-10-27


  • grief,
  • interdependence,
  • Judith Butler,
  • responsibility,
  • violence,
  • vulnerability
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ruiz, A. M., & Gómez Guzmán, M. S. (2020). Reimagining a Community on the Basis of Vulnerability. Reflections From Judith Butler. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 60, 201-228.


Reimagining a community on the basis of vulnerability entails recognizing our responsibility vis-à-vis those who prosper and those who do not persist because they are abandoned or eliminated. The recognition of our vulnerability allows us to find other forms of community that, built upon the human bonds of protection, escape the abstraction of the value of life, bearing in mind, instead, the socio-political conditions that sustain it, especially when they fail. This is not an easy task in contexts marked by violence. The main issues addressed in this paper are: the recognition of vulnerability, violence as a rupture of interdependence, and our responsibility towards others. Examining our vulnerability can become the cornerstone of another community.


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