Published 2020-06-27
- repetition,
- recollection,
- freedom,
- becoming,
- philosophy
- movement ...More
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Considered one of the most complex categories in Søren Kierkegaard’s thought, the repetition continues to raise much restlessness within his own authorship. Although about this category we find some first sketches in an unfinished book called Johannes Climacus or De homnibus dubitandum est, much later Kierkegaard will return to the category of repetition in his writing of the same name: Repetition, a peculiar work, very difficult to understand in its own dynamics. For this reason, in this essay we propose an interpretation of the category of repetition in relation with that text, to understand why repetition is a spiritual category as Kierkegaard himself thought it, starting from the idea that for the Danish philosopher the repetition is what can
be called a “philosophy of the future”.
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