No. 59 (2020): Julio-diciembre

Epimeleia and Parrhesia: A Manner of Existence, a Truthful Saying. Resistance and Exercise of Freedom in Our Present

Milton Fernando Dionicio Lozano
Universidad de Ibagué
Edgar Delgado Rubio
Universidad de Ibagué

Published 2020-06-27


  • Parrhesia,
  • epimeleia,
  • freedom,
  • resistance

How to Cite

Dionicio Lozano, M. F., & Delgado Rubio, E. (2020). Epimeleia and Parrhesia: A Manner of Existence, a Truthful Saying. Resistance and Exercise of Freedom in Our Present. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 59, 195-217.


This paper provides some reflections that lay down the guiding thread between the “care of self” and the “frank speech.” Michel Foucault sees in the “care of self” and in the “frank speech” the condition of possibility to set down another way in which a subject can be and, consequently, a different way to evolve. As a consequence, the stylization of existence, that is, the work that the subject performs upon itself, ought to be complemented and augmented by means of the true speech, conditio sine qua non it is impossible to resist or oppose the political technologies that produce the ways of existence. Indeed, the purpose of the political technologies is the self-regulation of the subjects, influencing their desires, hopes, decisions, needs and life-styles by means of formerly determined governmental purposes.


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