The Mediations of Erotic Self-Consciousness. The Butlerian Hermeneutics of Chapter IV of Phenomenology Of Spirit
Published 2020-06-27
- Judith Butler,
- Phenomenology of Spirit,
- dialectic of desire,
- life,
- body
- intersubjectivity ...More
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Abellón, M. (2020). The Mediations of Erotic Self-Consciousness. The Butlerian Hermeneutics of Chapter IV of Phenomenology Of Spirit. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 59, 153-193.
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to systematize Butler’s reading of the introductory part and section A of chapter IV of the Phenomenology of Spirit through the joint approach of Subjects of Desire, The Psychic Life of Power and You Be My Body for Me. Secondly, to take a critical position regarding the Butlerian hermeneutics. The existing research lacks a critical approach. We seek to problematize her reading so as to be able to contribute critically to the corpus of complementary bibliography on this issue.
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