No. 59 (2020): Julio-diciembre

Augusto Del Noce: A Philosophical Look at the Student Movement

Joaquín García-Huidobro
Universidad de los Andes

Published 2020-06-27


  • Augusto Del Noce,
  • May of 1968,
  • Marxism,
  • surrealism,
  • student revolution

How to Cite

García-Huidobro, J. (2020). Augusto Del Noce: A Philosophical Look at the Student Movement. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 59, 219-240.


1968 has been considered by Augusto Del Noce as “the richest year in implicit philosophy since 1945”. Indeed, the student protests of the time, far from being a circumstantial movement, constituted a rebellion against the “technocratic society”, that is, a protest against the model of society that the West built after the Second World War to oppose communism. However, this rebellion was frustrated because it assumed a large part of the criteria that had led the left to change the struggle for the emancipation of the proletariat, fruit of their concern for the weak, for the banners of sexual emancipation. Del Noce warns that, lacking an adequate philosophical foundation, the May 68 movement ended up being unable to resist the instrumental rationality of the society it sought to combat.


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