Published 2013-11-28
- Metaphor,
- analogy,
- argumentation,
- science,
- language.
How to Cite
Vázquez, D. (2013). Metáfora y analogía en Aristóteles. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 38(1), 85-116.
Usage and limits of analogy and metaphor in Aristotle’s science could be confusing. In some passages Aristotle uses both elements in explanations, and their clarity is defended. However, in other texts the metaphor is excluded from science. In this article, I will analyze the difference between metaphor and analogy and examine in what context can be used the metaphor. My thesis is that Aristotle uses the analogy as an argumentative resource understood by epagogé. On the case of metaphors, they should be excluded from science, but is a valid strategy for some kind of speeches and as a pedagogical element of explanations.
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