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Author Guidelines

I. ObjectivesTópicos, Revista de Filosofía is a specialized publication aimed at professionals within the national and international philosophical community.  Consequently, we do not publish manuscripts that are non-academic, general, or theological, nor do we publish survey articles, articles focusing on art or literary criticism, or interdisciplinary studies that are not carried out with a predominantly philosophical methodology and content. 

II. Range of Topics. Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía is not limited to a specific area of field within philosophy, so long as there is rigor and methodological sophistication in the research done and in the mode of exposition. 

III. Article Manuscripts. Manuscripts must be unpublished, and must not be under review for any other journal.  In the case of articles which contain some section or fragment that has been previously published, the author must acknowledge this within the manuscript and must notify the editor at the moment of submission via the publication request form.  Manuscripts submitted to Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía may be of four types:

  1. Monographic articles, of no fewer than 3,000 words and no more than 14,000 words.
  2. Discussions, which consist in replies or objections to articles, notes, or discussions previously published within Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía.  These manuscripts should be scholarly in style and will be published within a polemical section of the volume.
  3. Philosophy within the Public Sphere.  These are articles that deal with an issue relevant to the public sphere.  Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía does not accept essays or articles in which methodology and discussion are not predominantly philosophical.  They will be of no fewer than 3,000 words and no more than 14,000 words.
  4. Critical book reviews, which must be between 900 and 2,500 words in length.


Regarding article processing charges (APCs) / article submission charges, restrictions on copyright holding, and restrictions on publishing rights retainment:

  • There are no article processing charges (APCs) nor any article submission charges.
  • Authors hold copyright of their articles and retain their publishing rights. If an article is used in other publications, credit to Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía must be given.


IV. Contributors. Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía receives contributions from graduate students, professors, and researchers.  It does not accept contributions from undergraduate students or from students without a diploma.  Contributors who send a manuscript for consideration must indicate the institution in which they study or work and their email address.

V. Evaluation. Every manuscript is submitted to a double-blind peer review process. Both the name of the author and that of the referees will remain anonymous.  The average response time for articles is three to four months.  Regardless of the results, the author will receive in writing the referees’ feedback.  If it is deemed publishable with suggestions, the author will have the freedom of deciding whether or not to incorporate the recommendations.  If it is deemed publishable with necessary revisions, the publication of the article will be contingent upon the specified changes being made.  If it receives a negative evaluation, it shall not be published.  It is sufficient for one of the referees to give a negative evaluation for the manuscript not to be published.

VI. Manuscript Submissions. Every manuscript must be accompanied by a letter requesting the publication of the manuscript.  The letter must indicate to which section of the journal the manuscript is being submitted (Monographic articles, Discussions, Philosophy within the Public Sphere, Critical Book Reviews), and may include any other pertinent remarks, especially if a section or fragment of the article has already been published.

Independently of the language in which the manuscript is submitted, it must include the title, an abstract of 100-150 words, and keywords both in the original language of the article and in English.  Every article must include footnotes (no endnotes), a complete bibliography and any illustrations at the end of the text. 

In the case of articles written in a language other than the author’s first language, it is strongly recommended that the manuscript be submitted only after it has been carefully reviewed by someone qualified to write in the foreign language, preferably someone whose first language is the language in which the article is written.  Poorly written articles will be immediately rejected.

The title, author, academic institution, and address must be included in a separate sheet (title page).  Manuscripts must be sent electronically in an open recognized format; we recommend Open Document.  We ask that texts in foreign languages be codified in UTF8 and that the mathematical formats of Open Document be used.

In the case of studies of classical authors, sources must be cited as it is customary among specialists on the author.  Thus, for example, Presocratics are cited according to Diels Kranz, Aristotle according to Bekker numbers, Kant according the Academy Edition, Marx and Engels according to MEGA, the young Hegel’s fragments according to Nohl, etc.  In the case of medieval authors whose works do not exist in a universally accepted critical edition, they may be cited according to the structure proper to the work: Summa, question, commentary, etc.

After citing a work for the first time, the author may then utilize commonly accepted abbreviations.  For example, Met. for Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Ak. for Kant’s Academy Edition, DK for the Diels Kranz edition, KrV for the Critique of Pure Reason, etc.  For other sources and secondary literature, the APA format must be followed.  Also, the complete bibliography at the end of the manuscript must follow APA.

For texts which are originally in non-Roman script, isolated words or phrases must be transliterated into Roman script according to recognized standards; but this is not so in the case of long texts, or texts on which the philosophical discussion hinges in a fundamental way.  In this case a copy of the original source in which the text was written or printed must be attached to the electronic version of the article.  If this is not possible due to copyright, the author must include a note with the name of the source used and instructions on how to obtain it.


All correspondence must be sent via email:


Our mailing address, in case it is needed, is:


                  Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía

                  Facultad de Filosofía


                  Augusto Rodín 498

                  Insurgentes Mixcoac

                  03920 México, D.F.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, and is not under consideration by any other journal
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Whenever possible, include URL addresses for references, preferably the DOI.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • In the case of sending the text to the peer review section, the instructions are followed Ensure an anonymous evaluation.


Artículos monográficos. Se trata de artículos sobre cualquier área o tema de la filosofía, elaborados con una metodología y un contenido preponderantemente filosóficos.

La extensión no será menor de 3000 palabras ni mayor de 14,000. El método de evaluación empleado será doble ciego, es decir, se mantendrá el anonimato del autor y de los dictaminadores.



Discusiones. Se trata de réplicas u objeciones a artículos, notas o discusiones publicadas anteriormente en Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía. Ésta es una sección de polémica escrita con el estilo propio de una publicación científica. 

Las discusiones deben tener entre 2500 y 4500 palabras. El método de evaluación empleado será doble ciego, es decir, se mantendrá el anonimato del autor y de los dictaminadores.

Filosofía en el espacio público

Filosofía en el espacio público. Se trata de artículos que abordan algún problema relevante en la esfera pública. Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía no acepta ensayos o artículos en los que la metodología y la discusión no sean preponderamente filosóficos. 

La extensión no será menor de 3000 palabras ni mayor de 14,000. El método de evaluación empleado será doble ciego, es decir, se mantendrá el anonimato del autor y de los dictaminadores. En este caso, si la temática así lo requiere se recurrirá a evaluadores de otras disciplinas.

Reseñas críticas

Reseñas críticas. Deben ser notas acerca de libros de filosofía publicados en los últimos tres años.

La extensión debe ser entre 900 y 2500 palabras. El método de evaluación empleado será doble ciego, es decir, se mantendrá el anonimato del autor y de los dictaminadores.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in it and will not be provided to third parties or use for other purposes.