N. 54 (2018): Enero - junio
Reseñas críticas

Lewis, P. (2016). Quantum Ontology: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. Oxford University Press. 232pp.

Luis Miguel García Martínez
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Pubblicato 2017-11-11

Come citare

García Martínez, L. M. (2017). Lewis, P. (2016). Quantum Ontology: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. Oxford University Press. 232pp. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (54), 431–438. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i54.893


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Quantum Ontology: A guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics by P. Lewis, is a book with a philosophical orientation devoted to delve into the metaphysics of quantum mechanics. This book provides a comprehensive and detailed study to the various interpretations of quantum mechanics and their metaphysical consequences in relation to indeterminism, locality, free will, probability, holism and many other topics. Due to its rich philosophical perspective the author has dispensed with the mathematical formalism aiming to a rigorous conceptual approach.

Riferimenti bibliografici

  1. Einstein, A. Et Al. (1935). Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review (47): 777-780.
  2. Bohr, N. (1935). Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? Physical Review, (48): 696--702.
  3. Kochen, S. & Specker, E. P. (1967). The Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics. Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, (17): 59-87.
  4. Barrett, J. (2011). Everett's pure wave mechanics and the notion of worlds. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 1 (2):277-302.
  5. Albert, D. Z. (1992). Quantum Mechanics and Experience. Harvard Up.
  6. Lewis, D. K. (1986). On the Plurality of Worlds. Blackwell Publishers.
  7. Maudlin, T. (2007). The Metaphysics Within Physics. Oxford University Press.
  8. Ladyman, J. Et. Al. (2007). Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized. Oxford University Press, UK.
  9. Morganti, M. (2013). Combining Science and Metaphysics. Palgrave Macmillan.