Número 15 - 1998
Reseñas críticas

Stephen L. BROCK: Action and Conduct. Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action, T & T Clark, Edimburg, 1998.

Guadalupe Cantú Fletes
Universidad de Valencia

Pubblicato 2013-11-28

Parole chiave

Come citare

Fletes, G. C. (2013). Stephen L. BROCK: Action and Conduct. Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action, T & T Clark, Edimburg, 1998. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 15(1), 213–216. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v15i1.404


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Stephen L. BROCK: Action and Conduct. Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action, T & T Clark, Edimburg, 1998.