No. 56 (2019): Enero - junio

Nature and Naturality of Experience. Fundamentation and Phenomenological Criticism of Scientific Knowledge

Marcela Venebra
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Published 2018-12-13

How to Cite

Venebra, M. (2018). Nature and Naturality of Experience. Fundamentation and Phenomenological Criticism of Scientific Knowledge. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (56), 119–143.


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In this paper I try to clarify the central role that the concept of nature plays in the phenomenological task of criticism and ordination of scientific knowledge. This first goal implies a phenomenological definition of nature, which makes visible the performative stages of world experience. First, I expose the mean of fundamentation and its relationship with the ontological-material limitation of nature —following the course of Husserl’s 1927 Lecture—; next, I develop the theory of attitudes as experiential deconstruction of nature, as exposed in Ideas II, and finally, I draw the basic elements of pre-given-world analytics in its link with nature as material basis of life, according to the descriptions in the xxxix volume of Husserliana.


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