Lichtung in The End of Philosophy and The Task of Thinking: What Does the Clear of Being Have to Tell Us?
Published 2017-07-01
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Garrido Periñán, J. J. (2017). Lichtung in The End of Philosophy and The Task of Thinking: What Does the Clear of Being Have to Tell Us?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (53), 147.
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We will discuss the notion of Lichtung as Heidegger develops it in his conference The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking, which he gave in 1966. Lichtung is a vital notion in the late work of Heidegger. He understands Lichtung as the primal opening up that is the precontion of all that is, namely, of the being of all beings. Moreover, Lichtung will enable Heidegger to rethink some fundamental concepts of his thought: Kehre, Resoluteness, Oblivion of being, alétheia.
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