“Relation“ as One of the “Categories”: an Approach towards its Systematization and its Metaphysical Problems in Thomas Aquinas
Published 2016-07-01
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“Relation” in Thomas Aquinas is one of the Aristotelian categories that represents “accidents”. Nevertheless, there are a few difficulties in such metaphysical commitment because the division “substance”-“accidents” does not assign a place to the idea of a “middle term” between two things. In this paper I present some tensions between the systematization of “relation” as a category in Thomas Aquinas and his position about the “status” of predicaments in general. For this purpose I first analyze the deduction of the categories as presented by the author and then deal with the “relation” in a systematic way. In this exposition I argue that Thomas has several difficulties in order to assign the relation an “accidental foundation of its own” different from the other predicaments that allow him to consider it as one of the “categories”.
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