Número 16 - 1999

La verdad comunicativa como reto creativo en Karl Jaspers.

Paula Arizpe
Universidad de Chile

Published 2013-11-28

How to Cite

Arizpe, P. (2013). La verdad comunicativa como reto creativo en Karl Jaspers. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 16(1), 147–161. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v16i1.387


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This new approach to Jaspers' communicative truth as a creative challenge is focused on an analysis of the diverse modes of truth grasped by the self, first as an empirical conciousness, then as a free Existenz. This enables to develop a transcendent methodology to grow in freedom and enhances the horizons of the self integrating him to Trascendence, in a concrete tempo-spacial reference by means of game. This game becomes as open and challenging as he is capable to grasp truth in all its profoundness.