Número 31 - 2006

El temor horrorizante en san Agustín

Pedro Benítez
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Italia

Published 2013-11-28

How to Cite

Benítez, P. (2013). El temor horrorizante en san Agustín. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 31(1), 9–33. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v31i1.182


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This paper recalls two passages of book seven from St. Augustine’s Confessions (Confes. 7, 10, 16 and 7, 17, 23). There, he states having an overcoming experience described as a shock of terror and love. The main scope of our text is to clarify the sense of these expressions. In order to understand both passages we describe briefly the circumstances and events that led to such moment. We put forward that at the core of these events we find an ontological experience. At the same time we try to show how all this reveals a special state of the soul which must be considered when describing Augustine’s ascent to the Being and the Truth.


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