No. 59 (2020): Julio-diciembre

Parmenides’ Philosophy According to Aristotle´s Testimony

Carlos Carrasco Meza
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Published 2020-06-27

How to Cite

Carrasco Meza, C. (2020). Parmenides’ Philosophy According to Aristotle´s Testimony. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (59), 397–426.


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This paper aims to expose and analyze the Aristotelian interpretation of Parmenides’ philosophy. In the first place, the refutation of Parmenides’ monism in Phys. I 2-3 is analyzed. Then a series of relevant passages from the corpus are commented in which Aristotle refers both to the ontology and cosmology of Parmenides and to his methodology of philosophical investigation. It is proposed a compatibilist interpretation of the Aristotelian reading of Parmenides, according to which the latter would have affirmed the unity and immobility of reality according to concept and its changing plurality according to sensory perception. While the Platonic influence on certain aspects of the Aristotelian interpretation is evident, this is not a mere reception and repetition of Plato‘s reading. Indeed, Aristotle seems to have understood Parmenides’s thought from a methodological distinction operating in Phys. I 5.


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