Material Substance in Suárez Adolfo García de la Sienra 9 - 26 PDF (Spanish) DOI:
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Language as a Two-faced Phenomenon: Wittgenstein's Doctrine of Showing in the light of Heraclitus' concept of Logos Shlomy Mualem 69 - 80 PDF (Spanish) DOI:
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Carlos MÁSMELA: La conciencia y la gracia. Una interpretación filosófica de "Sobre el teatro de marionetas" de Heinrich von Kleist, Universidad de Antioquia: Otraparte/Editorial Medellín 2001, 136 pp. Luis Xavier López Farjeat 115 - 120 PDF (Spanish) DOI:
Robert W. SHARPLES (edited by): Whose Aristotle? Whose Aristotelianism?, Aldershot (GB): Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2001, 181 pp. Héctor Zagal 120 - 126 PDF (Spanish) DOI: