No. 71 (2025): Enero-abril

The Abandonment of the Ontological Conception of Truth and the Redefinition of the Notion of “Image” in Plato’s Sophist

Diego Tabakian
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2024-12-17


  • truth,
  • image,
  • Plato,
  • ontology

How to Cite

Tabakian, D. (2024). The Abandonment of the Ontological Conception of Truth and the Redefinition of the Notion of “Image” in Plato’s Sophist. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 71, 404-440.


In the middle dialogues, Plato introduces the notion of “participation” to explain the ontological-causal dependence of sensible things on the Forms and employs the metaphor of imitation to exemplify the ontological difference between them: sensible entities, as imitations or images, constitute a combination of being and non-being, while the Forms-models constitute full being. In the Sophist, the metaphor of the image is problematized along with the reconceptualization of participation and of the eidetic realm’s structure. This paper shows that Parmenides’s famous parricide leads not only to an alternative conception of non-being (the Different), but also to the abandonment of the ontological conception of truth and to the reformulation of the notion of image.


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