Metaphor, Ideology and Fundamental Metaphysical Positions: An Ontological-Discursive Approach from Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Published 2024-08-15
- metaphor,
- ideology,
- ontology,
- phenomenology
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This paper establishes a dialogue between hermeneutic phenomenology—specifically that of Heideggerian inspiration—and discourse studies to reflect on the phenomenon of metaphor and its essential functioning in the production of meaning and truth, as well as in its conceptual/discursive (re)production of ideologies. There is a relative isomorphism between the operational and structural modalities of what Heidegger calls “fundamental metaphysical positions” and ideology understood according to Althusser and Van Dijk. Between the two lies the metaphor as a way of accessing the dynamics of these heterogeneous but complementary dimensions. Understanding its systematic and significant character will allow us to better understand the way in which the truth grounds our world and our factual life.
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