Published 2024-12-17
- La Mettrie,
- man as a machine,
- nerve fluids,
- bodily pleasure,
- voluptuousness
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This paper traces the concept of happiness in the work of Julien Offray de La Mettrie Anti-Seneca or Discourse on Happiness (2010). Before exploring the term happiness, it is essential to answer the question: what does the French philosopher understand by being human? To fulfill this purpose, in the first chapter, the idea of the human body, understood as an organic machine, will be analyzed. In the second chapter, we will investigate the physical damage or diseases that can affect the machine or human body. In the third part, we will explore the concept of happiness, understood as carnal pleasure, voluptuousness and organic or arterial happiness. In the fourth chapter, the different ways to achieve a happy life will be examined. As a conclusion, it can be affirmed that happiness is, according to La Mettrie, the result of the organization or composition of the human body; therefore, the individual, when acting according to his nature, must be exempt from recrimination or ethical judgments.
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