No. 67 (2023): Septiembre-diciembre

The Provenance of the Onto-Theological Constitution of Metaphysics. Heidegger’s First Thematization in the Exercises on Aristotle of 1921

Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Published 2023-08-01


  • onto-theology,
  • metaphysics,
  • Natorp,
  • Jäger,
  • De anima

How to Cite

Xolocotzi Yáñez, Ángel. (2023). The Provenance of the Onto-Theological Constitution of Metaphysics. Heidegger’s First Thematization in the Exercises on Aristotle of 1921. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 67, 35-59.


Despite the vast bibliography on Heidegger and Aristotle, the publication of documents and letters makes it possible to trace central elements for later Heideggerian philosophy. One of them is the interpretation of metaphysics as onto-theology. In multiple texts Heidegger deploys various elements that strengthen his historical interpretation of the philosophical tradition. However, in a conference of 1957 (“The onto-theo-logical constitution of metaphysics”), he raises the question about the provenance of this issue. The present article takes up this question and interprets it in the sense of finding the origin of the onto-theological discussion in Heidegger from his first exercises on Aristotle (in the summer of 1921) on De anima. This will allow to update, in the line that Franco Volpi had already anticipated, the importance of Heidegger’s first readings of Aristotle for the totality of his work.


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