No. 67 (2023): Septiembre-diciembre

Before the Image: Das Unheimliche and Surface in Freudian Ontology

Carlos Caranci Sáez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Published 2023-08-01


  • Das Unheimliche,
  • image,
  • surface,
  • art,
  • Futurism

How to Cite

Caranci Sáez, C. (2023). Before the Image: Das Unheimliche and Surface in Freudian Ontology. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 67, 215-249.


This article revisits Freud’s classic text Das Unheimliche with the aim of exhibiting the productive dimension and the perspective of the future that are inherent to it. To this end, the proposals of the artist Mike Kelley and the philosopher Giorgio Agamben are explored in an attempt to illustrate plastically the characteristics of this notion. This exploration is followed by an examination of the Freudian theses on the handling of signifiers in a framework of Unheimliche-induced anguish, that is, of sudden loss of habitual references. The paper concludes by arguing that it is the avant-garde bet of Futurism, of which Freud’s text would be the epitaph, that best allows us to show the crucial importance of the term Unheimliche for psychoanalytic ontology.


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