No. 66 (2023): Mayo-agosto

Identity and Performance: A Critical Review of Butler’s Theory of Gender through Leibniz

Published 2023-04-11


  • Leibniz,
  • personal identity,
  • Butler,
  • gender,
  • performativity

How to Cite

Casales García, R. (2023). Identity and Performance: A Critical Review of Butler’s Theory of Gender through Leibniz. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 66, 97-118.


This paper analyzes Butler’s theory of performative acts and her criticism of a substantialist or essentialist theory of gender through the Leibnizian theory of intentional action, with the aim of showing that we cannot dissociate performativity of intentionality, nor, consequently, of a practical understanding of personal identity. To achieve this goal, I proceed as follows: first, I analyze Butler’s theory of gender and her notion of performativity through her critique of naturalistic or essentialist theories of gender; second, I confront her theory of performativity with the Leibnizian theory of intentional actions and his notion of moral agency; third, I sketch two conclusions: 1) we can only talk about performativity in terms of intentionality, and 2) talking about performative acts does not imply dissociating gender from our personal identity.


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