No. 65 (2023): Enero - abril

The Human Condition in Nietzsche. A Reflection from Zarathustra

Miguel González Vallejos
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Published 2022-12-02


  • Nietzsche,
  • Zarathustra,
  • eternal return,
  • human condition,
  • last man,
  • Übermensch,
  • will to power
  • ...More

How to Cite

González Vallejos, M. (2022). The Human Condition in Nietzsche. A Reflection from Zarathustra. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 65, 305-340.


This article reconstructs Nietzsche’s reflections on the human condition developed in his main work, Also sprach Zarathustra. The starting point of the analysis is the speech at the market, in the prologue, in which Zarathustra proclaims for the first time the advent of the Übermensch. The reconstruction of his anthropological position requires the consideration of some especially relevant passages in which the author refers to the death of God, the last man, the Übermensch, the will to power, and the eternal return. As a conclusion, I argue that, notwithstanding the presence of the concepts of perspectivism or death of the subject, the text has no deconstructive purpose, but is a reflection on the plenitude and decadence of the human condition.


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