N.º 69 (2024): Mayo-agosto

Aristotle’s Criticism of the Soul’s Self-Motion in DA I

Publicado 2024-04-04


  • Aristóteles,
  • De Anima,
  • movimiento del alma,
  • Platón,
  • automovimiento,
  • cuerpo,
  • comunidad entre el alma y el cuerpo
  • ...Mais

Como Citar

Sánchez Castro, L. C. (2024). Aristotle’s Criticism of the Soul’s Self-Motion in DA I. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 69, 11-29. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v690.2624


In this paper, I examine Aristotle’s position on the theory of the soul as a self-moving entity in the light of a less negative conception of his discussion with his predecessors. For this purpose, I discuss the hypothesis according to which Aristotle is producing the concepts necessary for his own research through a critique of Plato’s claims. I show that, more than a criticism, what we are witnessing is a process of conceptual appropriation where Aristotle filters an opinion to make a better use of it. I support my argument by showing how Aristotle’s exegetical device works and how it could be connected to his own definitional procedures in De Anima’s book II.


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