Pubblicato 2022-08-13
Parole chiave
- amor,
- reciprocidad,
- conocimiento,
- voluntad,
- relación interpersonal
Copyright (c) 2022 Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía

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Come citare
This article is a reading and direct analysis of two texts by Maurice Nédoncelle: La réciprocité des consciences (1942) and Vers une philosophie de l’amour et de la personne (1946). I intend to make known in Spanish, firstly, the author’s doctrine of love, and, secondly, the metaphysical importance this notion has for the author, although this second aim can be the subject of further studies that delve into Nédoncelle’s personalist philosophical idea of love. The reading of these texts has led me to present two questions of the philosophy of love. Firstly, what is the ontological constituent of love? Secondly, what is the most evident manifestation of personal love? Both questions will be treated predominantly from a theoretical rather than practical perspective. I propose that Maurice Nédoncelle wanted to demonstrate that what best characterizes persons is their ability to love and be loved.
Riferimenti bibliografici
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- Devivaise, C. (1946). La réciprocité des consciences chez M. Nédoncelle. Les études philosophiques, 1(3/4), 218-224.
- Fromm, E. (1962). The Art of Loving. Harper & Row.
- Nédoncelle, M. (1942). La réciprocité des consciences. Essai sur la nature de la personne. Aubier.
- Nédoncelle, M. (1946). Vers une philosophie de l’amour et de la personne. Aubier.
- Sellés, F. (2013). Si la libertad, el conocer y el amor son, según Nédoncelle, “trascendentales personales”. Metafísica y Persona, 5(10), 37-53. DOI:
- Sellés, F. (2015). La antropología trascendental de Maurice Nédoncelle. Ápeiron.
- Tatranský, T. (2009). L’amore reciproco come principio ontologico in Maurice Nédoncelle. Nuova Umanità, 31(4/5), 591-614.
- Vázquez Borau, J. L. y Ferrer Santos, U. (1996). Presentación. En M. Nédoncelle, La reciprocidad de las conciencas. Ensayo sobre la naturaleza de la persona humana. (pp. 7-10). Caparrós.