No. 70 (2024): Septiembre-diciembre

Multiple Universes, Space Dimensionality, and a Possible Hypergeometry: Metaphysics and Cosmology in the Early Kant

Paulo Sergio Mendoza-Gurrola
Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas

Published 2024-08-15

How to Cite

Mendoza-Gurrola, P. S. (2024). Multiple Universes, Space Dimensionality, and a Possible Hypergeometry: Metaphysics and Cosmology in the Early Kant. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (70), 281–315.


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In his first work, Kant discusses the possibility that more than one universe exists. Starting from the principle that substances have an essential force to act outside of themselves and that they are linked only in the exercise of this force, Kant concludes that the total set of substances linked to each other forms a universe. Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible that a substance exists without being linked to the substances of a certain universe, not being part of it, and that it is linked to other, alien substances, forming a separate universe with these. But the possibility of multiple universes requires that there be spaces of different natures or dimensionalities, so that such universes remain disconnected and are actually different universes and not distant parts of the same universe. This is because the nature of space depends on the kind of force with which the substances interact.


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