No. 68 (2024): Enero - abril

Some Notes on the Question of Temporality in Descartes

Guillermo Sibilia
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2023-12-07

How to Cite

Sibilia, G. (2023). Some Notes on the Question of Temporality in Descartes. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (68), 425–459.


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The question of temporality runs through Descartes’s entire philosophy. It is relevant for the geometrization of physics that he proposes to carry out, as well as in the very argumentative logic that sets in motion the Cartesian methodical doubt. However, Descartes is often ambiguous in his use of the terms “duration”, “time” and “eternity”. In this article we study the ontological status of these concepts and question the role they play in Descartes’ philosophy, especially in relation to physics, whose foundation Descartes intends to place in metaphysics.


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