No. 61 (2021): July-December

Image and Difference: A Deconstructive Approach to Gottfried Boehm’s Theory of the Iconic Difference

Roberto Rubio
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Jacopo Vignola
Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Published 2021-06-23

How to Cite

Rubio, R., & Vignola, J. (2021). Image and Difference: A Deconstructive Approach to Gottfried Boehm’s Theory of the Iconic Difference. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, (61), 227–257.


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Through his theory of the iconic difference, Boehm has emphasized the differential character of the image. This has led some researchers (especially Dieter Mersch) to relate Boehm’s approach to the thought of Jacques Derrida. Following that line of interpretation, we propose a deconstructive approach to Boehm’s theory about the iconic difference. This means, specifically, that we will bring out internal tensions in Boehm’s proposal between emphases directed towards the differential character of the image, on the one hand, and dualistic approaches, as well as hierarchical distinctions that could cover up such character, on the other hand. Starting from these tensions, we attempt to radicalize the orientation towards the differential structure of the image by incorporating Derrida’s proposals, but making clear, at the same time, the challenges that this would bring to Boehm’s theory and the open questions that would arise therefrom.


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