No. 71 (2025): Enero-abril

The Dialectical Triads of Truth: Variations of Subtraction in the Philosophical Work of Alain Badiou

Mikel Varela Pequeño
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

Published 2024-11-01


  • Alain Badiou,
  • substraction,
  • event,
  • truth,
  • dialectics

How to Cite

Varela Pequeño, M. (2024). The Dialectical Triads of Truth: Variations of Subtraction in the Philosophical Work of Alain Badiou. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 71, 109-145.


Subtraction is a cardinal category in the philosophy of Alain Badiou for thinking about both being and truth procedures. A post-foundational concept of truth that eludes essentialism and is irreducible to the theories of coherence, correspondence and confirmation is based on it. This paper explores the role that the category of subtraction plays and the forms it adopts in Alain Badiou’s work, specifically regarding the construction of truth procedures. The aim is to shed light on the transformations it has undergone and the rational and speculative foundations that sustain it in each of its variations. Specifically, four variations are identified, which are correlated with the periods that mark the conceptual atmosphere of each of Badiou’s philosophical opera magna (Théorie du sujet, L’être et l’événement, Logiques du mondes and L’immanence des vérités). It is concluded that the subtraction that deploys the procedures of truth is characterized by establishing a triadic dialectical relationship with affirmation and negation, but whose equilibrium is dynamic, with its own idiosyncrasy in each of these variations.


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