No. 71 (2025): Enero-abril

The Ontological Status of Forms in Merleau-Ponty: An Interpretation Between Epokhé and the Gestalttheorie

Fernando Libonati
Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET

Published 2024-12-16


  • Gestalt,
  • Isomorphism,
  • Epokhé,
  • Naturalization of phenomenology,
  • dialectics

How to Cite

Libonati, F. (2024). The Ontological Status of Forms in Merleau-Ponty: An Interpretation Between Epokhé and the Gestalttheorie. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 71, 215-252.


This paper presents the definition of form provided in The Structure of Behaviour. Then, two possible interpretations are evaluated: a realist one and another, so-called “idealist”. It is argued that the first one fails to explain the originality of the different types of forms and their noematic character (being for a consciousness), whereas the second one is incompatible with the descriptive (non-anthropomorphic) character of the Gestalten and leads to a conception of nature that becomes problematic regarding Merleau-Ponty’s position. A third interpretation is put forward: the concept of dialectics, as is used by Merleau-Ponty to define physical, vital, and human orders, justifies an enlargement of the concepts of nature and consciousness that allows for the articulation of the descriptive and noematic aspects. Based on this, it is concluded that forms can be identified with the process of phenomenalization of nature.


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